Zilla’s Buyer Protection Policy ensures that you can use Zilla to buy your physical goods with the confidence that you will be protected if there is a problem. If the physical goods you ordered did not arrive or arrived in a damaged condition, Zilla’s Buyer Protection Policy has you covered.

It is important to notify us so that we can assist you in resolving this issue. We will provide you with the time you need to resolve any issues with merchants while ensuring that we continue to provide an excellent service and keep your accounts on track.

You did not receive your order

If your order is delayed after you checkout with Zilla, please make sure you've done the following:

  1. Checked that you provided the correct delivery information.
  2. Checked that nobody has tried to contact you in regards to your delivery.
  3. Waited for the period of delivery the merchant promised.
  4. Contact the merchant to know the status of your order.

If you have done all of this and you do not receive your order or any assurances from the merchant on the status of your order, please contact us at [email protected]. We will immediately look into it and pause your payments while the issue is resolved. Provide as many details as you can in your email.

What you received is damaged or not what you expected.

If the product you received is defective, damaged or different than the merchant's description of the product at the time of your purchase, please do the following:

  1. Reach out to the merchant to attempt a resolution.
  2. If you are unable to resolve the issue with the merchant, please email us at [email protected]. Provide as many details as you can.
  3. We will pause your payments while we work with you and the merchant to resolve the issue.

What happens to your money?

If you have paid (in part or full) for a purchase that is not as described, incomplete, defective or did not arrive at all, please do not worry.